# Tables
# Overview
Tables are the backbone of the hub and how data is displayed. Therefore it's important they can be extended when needed and also allow you to create your own tables when developing add-ons.
All tables use a TableBuilder
class to add columns, filters and actions. It's these classes that can be extended in order to provider a richer experience in the hub when displaying data.
# Available builders
# Getting the builder instance
You can resolve each builder class as a singleton from the container. Generally this can be done via a service provider:
use Lunar\Hub\Tables\Builders\ProductsTableBuilder;
public function boot(ProductsTableBuilder $productTableBuilder)
// ...
# Adding columns
When adding columns, there is some flexibility on how they are rendered.
# Standard
This is the default behaviour and will use the view provided by Lunar.
# Laravel Component
You can render your own Laravel component
This will pass through the instance of the row so it's available:
namespace App\Views;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
class MyColumn extends Component
public function __construct($record)
// ...
// ...
# Livewire Component
When rendered, the current record will be passed through via a prop.
namespace App\Http\Livewire\Components;
use Livewire\Component;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class CustomColumnComponent extends Component
public Model $record;
// ...
# Positioning
You can specify a position for the new column by defining which column it should appear after.
# TextColumn
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Columns\TextColumn;
// Specify an existing column
// Reference a relationship
// Use a callback to return the value for each row
TextColumn::make('store', function ($product) {
return $product->store;
# BadgeColumn
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Columns\BadgeColumn;
BadgeColumn::make('status', function ($record) {
return $record->status;
})->states(function ($record) {
return [
'success' => $record->status == 'published' && ! $record->deleted_at,
'warning' => $record->status == 'draft' && ! $record->deleted_at,
'danger' => (bool) $record->deleted_at,
# ImageColumn
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Columns\ImageColumn;
ImageColumn::make('thumbnail', function ($record) {
return $record->thumbnail->getUrl('small');
Calling heading(false)
will prevent heading text from being displayed.
# AvatarColumn
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Columns\AvatarColumn;
AvatarColumn::make('avatar', function ($record) {
return $record->email;
By calling gravatar()
we're telling the column to convert it to a hash that Gravatar can understand and render.
# StatusColumn
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Columns\StatusColumn;
StatusColumn::make('active', function ($record) {
return ! $record->deleted_at;
# Adding Filters
# SelectFilter
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Filters\SelectFilter;
SelectFilter::make('status')->options(function () {
return collect([
null => 'All Statuses',
'payment-received' => 'Payment Received',
})->query(function ($filters, $query) {
$value = $filters->get('status');
if ($value) {
# DateFilter
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Filters\DateFilter;
->heading('Placed at')
->query(function ($filters, $query) {
$value = $filters->get('placed_at');
if (! $value) {
return $query;
$parts = explode(' to ', $value);
if (empty($parts[1])) {
return $query;
$query->whereBetween('placed_at', [
# Actions
Single actions will populate a dropdown on each row that will display the registered actions when clicked.
# Action
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Actions\Action;
Action::make('view')->label('View Order')->url(function ($record) {
return route('hub.orders.show', $record->id);
# Bulk Actions
Bulk actions are available when one or more rows are selected on the table. When an action is clicked the underlying Livewire component will be called with the selected ID's.
# Bulk Action
->label('Update Status')
The underlying Livewire component
namespace Lunar\Hub\Http\Livewire\Components\Tables\Actions;
use Livewire\Component;
use Lunar\Hub\Http\Livewire\Traits\Notifies;
use Lunar\Models\Order;
class UpdateStatus extends Component
use Notifies;
* The array of selected IDs
* @var array
public array $ids = [];
public $status = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getListeners()
return [
'table.selectedRows' => 'setSelected',
* {@inheritDoc}
public function rules()
return [
'status' => 'required',
public function getStatusesProperty()
return config('lunar.orders.statuses');
* Set the selected ids
* @param array $rows
* @return void
public function setSelected(array $rows)
$this->ids = $rows;
* Save the updated status
* @return
public function updateStatus()
Order::whereIn('id', $this->ids)->update([
'status' => $this->status,
$this->notify('Order statuses updated');
* Render the livewire component.
* @return \Illuminate\View\View
public function render()
return view('adminhub::livewire.components.tables.actions.update-status')
# Customising the query
If you add custom columns which reference relations, or want to make some performance improvements, it can be useful to customise the underlying query.
$productsTableBuilder->extendQuery(function ($query) {
# Creating a new table
If you need to create a table for your own add-on, simply create a Livewire component which extends the Table component.
# Table component
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Table;
class OrdersTable extends Table
* {@inheritDoc}
public function build()
* Return the search placeholder.
* @return string
public function getSearchPlaceholderProperty(): string
return 'Search by keyword';
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getData()
return Mode::get();
# Table builder class
Out the box, the table will be loaded with a base TableBuilder class. In most cases this should be enough, however you are free to add your own if needed.
# Create a new table builder class
namespace App\Tables;
use Lunar\Hub\Tables\TableBuilder;
class CustomTableBuilder extends TableBuilder
// ...
Then update the reference on your Table component.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Lunar\LivewireTables\Components\Table;
class OrdersTable extends Table
* The binding to use when building out the table.
* @var string
protected $tableBuilderBinding = CustomTableBuilder::class;
// ...